hello,bird’s Ashley Wrenn-Peterson for Pop Up Nuptials

Without further adieu--here it is, hot off the quill--the official Pop Up Nuptials for Pennsylvania poster, created by Ashley.

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Philly Love Club’s inaugural get together, a cocktail party on the third floor of Maggpie Vintage Rentals’ very cool warehouse. While messing around in the Love Me Do photo booth (with the most flattering lighting I’ve ever had pointed in my direction) I finally met in-person Ashley Wrenn-Peterson, the elegant calligrapher and hand-letter artist of hello,bird.

When I told Ashley about our Pop Up Nuptials event and our plan to offer free weddings in celebration of marriage equality in Pennsylvania, she didn’t skip a beat before asking how she could help. 

Ashley Wrenn-Peterson, top calligrapher at hello,bird

So without further adieu–here it is, hot off the quill–the official Pop Up Nuptials for Pennsylvania poster, created by Ashley.

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